web analytics
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  • Cache

    Small amount of data that is stored for future to minimize the time latency of certain tasks is known as Cache. For example, our web browser stores cache data in our computer so that when we visit a particular site again, we don’t need to download the webpages again.

  • Carding

    Making malicious use of stolen credit/ATM cards is termed as Carding. There are many techniques through ehich a hacker can steal the credentials of our card like shoulder surfing, keylogger, etc. Once they are successful in stealing cards, they sell them in underground hacking sources to others so that they can use the money inside them.

  • Cloud Computing

    It is also known as virtual computing. Cloud is a virtual environment . At it’s base level, there is a network of computer from which a layer of hardware resources is extracted and then it is made available to another person for his own use. As the virtual environment is created on Internet,  it is known as cloud computing.

  • Cookies

    These are small pieces of data which is used to track our usage across a particular website. When we establish a session with a site, our web browser saves some amount of useful information so that when we visit that site again, we need not enter the session details again.

  • Cross-site scripting

    This is one of the vulnerability which features in OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities. This vulnerability allows an attacker to make a cross site connection with a malicious site. let’s understand this attack with a scenario. Suppose you just login into your bank account and establish a session and suddenly attacker sends you malicious link in which he has embedded a javascript code in an image to make transactions into his own account. As soon as you open that link, the javascript code that is embedded in an image on that website, will start doing malicious transactions from your account. Thus ,this javascript that is embedded to do some malicious task…