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We all know the difference between cost of owning an iPhone than an android device. When the matter of privacy comes, even kids nowadays know this fact that Apple is the best. But still there are 20 percent of the users who still own Apple just for the sake of fame and actually they don’t know it’s advantages.

Whether you know about its advantages or you have just bought it for fame, one thing that really annoys you as the Apple owner is the selectivity of apps and some paid apps which is not the same case in other OS. Those who can afford it, keep it, those who cannot just switch over to its counterpart android.

Apart from charging its users, telegram messenger founder Durov recently revealed that Apple charges 30 percent commission from developers which makes the end amount paid by the user very high as compared to what the developer originally wants to charge from the user. Recently we saw a case about Apple iTunes gift card can in which Apple was involved just for the sake of 30 percent commission.

Durov, who started the debate against this behavior on his Telegram channel, stated 7 significant reasons why every Apple owner should be worried about this 30 percent commission.


The first fact he took into consideration is that the end amount you pay for an app on Apple store includes 30 percent commission which ultimately increase the expense of that app as developer has to take a margin for it’s survival. He also added “ You pay more for every app, even though Apple already charged you a few hundred dollars more for your iPhone than it cost to make.” Unlike Google Play store which charges a fix amount from developers and not from it’s user, Apple keeps on charging some amount from developer as well as user.

The second fact he took is that of censorship of contents in certain apps for Apple users. He told that Apple restricts some content in apps like Telegram from Apple users that ultimately affects the user experience in that app. Ultimately Apple control what it wants people to see not what developer wants to show in his app. Obviously content related to sexuality, weapons and fraud should not be reached to the end user, but as compared to the android OS Apple restricts many features are hidden and they are asked not tell their users about this.

The third fact which he took is the tracking of privacy data by the Apple. If you want to download an application in the iPhone, you need to have an Apple ID for which the Apple’s commission is settled. Unlike with Google Play, you can login with any account and download any application. Thus, by logging in with Apple account, you are being tracked with any notification or your activities inside that application.

The fourth fact which he took is the delay in publishing of app updates. We all know that bug hunters find new bugs in the application which makes them insecure and can put their privacy at stake, thus patching a particular vulnerability that is being found has to be done immediately. In Apple app store, it takes more time by the moderators who are reviewing a particular update, thus making their users more vulnerable to attacks whereas on Google Play, this process is comparatively faster, providing its users more economical than Apple app store.

The fifth fact which he took is the lower amount of apps as compare to the Google Play store. One reason that defines this is that Apple has greater amount of security checks that to make its user more secure. The another reason which Durov stated that due to its 30 percent commission criteria, developer and his whole team which is working behind that particular application left with very few amount of resources that are not sufficient to run that application properly and thus vanishes.

The sixth fact which he took into is about more ADs in apps. As stated in fifth point, the 30 percent commission makes very less applications to survive, thus many application developers indulge in activities like showing advertisements in their application to survive, degrading the content quality.


The last and the most important fact which everybody should worry is the degrading quality of applications due to lack of resources available to the developers. This Thirty percent commission is the worst policy which is affecting almost from developer to the user. There were also myths in the market about this 30 percent commission that Apple is taking it for more R&D but the truth is despite of having more than 200 billion dollars company, no more R&D can be performed with this extra commission. Therefore, Apple should improve its policies that are both complaint with users’ as well as developers’ interests.