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  • News and Threat Analysis


    Back in mid-2018, Trend Micro researchers revealed a campaign that was targeting Japanese and Korean Speaking users with a trojan or we can say infostealer named as Fakespy. This campaign impersonates the end user of being a legit banking app but ended up delivering trojan in the target user’s device. Following this campaign, today some researchers from Cybereason unveiled this campaign which has revived with more capabilities of affecting its users. Now this campaign is not only targeting the Korean users, but it is affecting users all around the world, especially users in countries like China, Taiwan, France, Switzerland, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, and others. This campaign targets its users…

  • News and Threat Analysis


    Nearly 6 months ago, tech giant Microsoft once again uncovered the techniques used by malicious CHIMBORAZO group to deliver info-stealer in the victim’s machine. On January 31, Microsoft tweeted that Dudear which is one of the biggest malware campaign is delivering info-stealing trojan Gracewire by attaching HTML redirectors in the email delivered to victims. These Evil Corps attached a downloadable Excel file attaching a malicious macro that drop the actual payload Gracewire trojan into the victim’s system. Following this group since January, in the 18 June, Microsoft again announced a new technique by this group delivering the same trojan into the victim’s system. This Dudear campaign is being run by…